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Our Testimonials

ch Frederic Etienbled | CEO, HYPERTRADE, Bangkok, Thailand

“I used CEO-HEALTH services and the experience was gratifying all the way through. Dr Gerard Lalande’s meticulous preparation led the way to a tailored medical approach, carried by Bangkok’s most prominent medical specialists in their respective disciplines. At last, but not least, the schedule was articulated to match my own agenda. What I initially considered as a necessary though industrial check-up turned out to be an enjoyable and made-to-order experience. Warmly recommended to all senior managers for who time, genuine care and health matter.”


th Peeratip Assawes | Managing Director, Fresenius Kabi Thailand Limited, Thailand

“The best gift I have given to myself this year is following this CEO HEALTH’s recommendation on my medical check up program specially designed for me. I have got the impressive experience starting from individual preparation before meeting the doctors, the excellent coordination with the hospital as well as the reports and follow-up.
I will definitely give myself this great gift in the next years to come.”

th “รางวัลที่ดีที่สุดที่ดิฉันให้กับตัวเองในปีนี้คือการรับคำแนะนำจาก CEO HEALTH’s เรื่องการเข้ารับการตรวจร่างกายประจำปีตามโปรแกรมที่ออกแบบ ให้ดิฉันโดยเฉพาะ ดิฉันมีความประทับใจกับบริการของ CEO HEALTH’s ตั้งแต่คำแนะนำในการเตรียมตัวก่อนเข้าพบแพทย์ , การประสานงานที่ดีเยี่ยมกับโรงพยาบาลและแพทย์ที่เข้ารับบริการ ตลอดจนการรายงานและติดตามผลการตรวจร่างกายทั้งหมด ดิฉันตั้งใจว่าจะให้รางวัลนี้กับตัวเองอีกอย่างแน่นอนในอนาคต”


ch Franco Seguso | CEO, My PB, All Seasons place, Bangkok, Thailand

“It is a really impressive medical check-up, from the professional level, the human capital and the technological capital involved and the fact that it provides an extremely detailed analysis of our “human machinery”. The program offers a 5-year cardio-vascular risk profile, which leads to a fundamental difference in term of quality of life, both on the physical as well as emotional side.”

ie “Un check-up impressionante sul piano medico-professionale sia per il capitale umano che quello tecnico predisposti alla lettura approfondita dell’ingegnieria del nostro corpo. Questo e’ un programma che propone una visione a 5 anni del profilo di rischio cardio-vascolare. Usata opportunamente, contribuira’ in modo fondamentale ad un qualita’ di vita ben superior sia per il corpo che per la mente.”

fr “Un bilan check-up médical réellement impressionnant pour son niveau professionnel, le capital humain et technique qu’il comporte et la lecture très approfondie de notre ‘machine’ humaine. Ils offrent une vision à 5 ans du profile cardio-vasculaire qui peut comporter une différence fondamentale à notre qualité de vie sur le plan physique aussi bien que mental.”

Patrick Go

ph Patrick L. Go | CEO, Paramount Life & General Insurance Corp, Philippines

CEO-HEALTH presented me with a customized program that focused on my personal concerns & general well being. It was also tailored to fit into my busy travel schedule. At the beginning, I was welcomed by a doctor who reviewed my itinerary and at the end of the entire checkup discussed the results with me. There was very little waiting time between the various medical tests & I was assigned a nurse that guided me through the entire checkup. Results were available by the end of the day and, in some instances, immediately after the particular examination. Each specialist was among the top 3 practitioners in field in Thailand, spoke English well & took time to explain procedures & results to me. The hospital I was assigned to was world-class, very clean & utilized the latest technology. I was encouraged to ask questions & made to feel comfortable throughout the entire process. I highly recommend the services of CEO-Health to anyone looking for a high value-added medical checkup and specialist referral at a reasonable cost.

cn 執行長健檢 (CEO-HEALTH) 是一家可針對我個人關心的健康問題提供客製化服務的地方,而且可配合我繁忙的旅程.






fr Jean-Luc Drouin | CEO, Geodis Merlin limited, Bangkok, Thailand

I would like to express my sincere satisfaction after completing the 2 half-days of my medical check-up. As I was hoping, the organization was very efficient and I did not have to wait at all during the entire procedure. In addition, I would like to mention that I did appreciate the competence and the friendliness of the medical staff that took care of me, which at the end, made me almost enjoyed this medical check-up in contrast with past personal unpleasant experiences for such procedure.
I thank you to forward my congratulations to everyone concerned.

Je voudrais vous faire part de ma satisfaction à l’issue de mes deux journées de bilan medical CEO-HEALTH. Comme je l’espérais, l’organisation, très efficace, m’a évité toute attente ennuyeuse et perte de temps. Mais j’aimerais ajouter que j’ai particulièrement apprécié la compétence et surtout l’amabilité du personnel qui m’a pris en charge, qui a rendu presque agréable un exercice habituellement pénible pour moi .
Merci de transmettre à tous mes felicitations.


de Bernd Lepper | General Manager, Healthcare Diethelm Ltd, DKSH, Thailand

The CEO Health-check a really impressive program, very well prepared and executed, giving me a great insight into my current Health status with a very clear feedback and advice on how to improve my current Health conditions. The best point for me was that a dedicated program was designed following a detailed questionnaire on your own and your families’ history. Therefore there was no need for any unnecessary checks, but important other tests could be added.

All checks were then done by highly experienced specialists with detailed communication by them plus a summary review at the end of the program. All results got also checked with experts in Europe for a second opinion. Last but not least, the team and the atmosphere were just brilliant. This plus a very relaxing environment makes me look forward to the next check up program.

Der CEO Healthcheck ist ein sehr gut ausgearbeitetes Programm mit einer exzellenten Durchfuehrung. Nie zuvor habe ich eine bessere Einsicht in meinen derzeitigen Gesundheitszustand bekommen, vor allem aber auch was zu tun ist, ihn zu verbessern. Entscheidend waren fuer mich, dass sich ein speziell auf mich zugeschnittenes Programm ausgearbeitet wurde (basierend auf meiner Familienhistorie und Angaben zum eigenen Gesundheitszustand). Unnoetige Tests entfallen so, auf wichtige andere Tests muss nicht verzichtet werden.

Alle Tests wurden dann von Spezialisten durchgefuehrt und begleitet. Es gab detailierte Besprechungen nach jeder Untersuchung und natuerlich eine Zusammenfassung aller Ergebnisse zum Schluss. Interessant und wichtig auch, dass alle Ergebnisse fuer eine zweite Meinung mit Spezialisten in Europa verifiziert wurden. Unuebertroffen waren das gesamte Team sowe die Atmosphaere. Alles in allem ein sehr angenehmes Programm, das den Healthcheck wirklich lohnenswert macht.

fr Mrs. Christiane Le Lidec | French Embassy, Bangkok

“Twice already, I could experiment the comfort of knowing Dr Lalande. Not only does he take appointment with the best doctors, in the quickest way, but also he follows up the case. This is very comforting, and very valuable to be able to rely on such service. In a country where you do not speak the language, it is very important to know that you will be able to have explanations in your own language.”

fr “A deux reprises, j’ai pu, grâce au docteur Lalande (CEO-HEALTH), être mise en contact dans les meilleurs délais avec les spécialistes concernés. Quel confort extraordinaire que de bénéficier, en toute confiance, de rendez-vous avec les médecins les plus adéquats. Le docteur Lalande, non seulement met en contact avec les meilleurs médecins spécialistes, prend les rendez-vous mais il s’informe de votre cas auprès de ses collègues. C’est très réconfortant de se sentir ainsi suivi, de pouvoir s’exprimer et avoir un compte-rendu dans sa langue.”

fr Mr. Jean-Marie Verbrugghe | Bouygues Construction, Bangkok, Thailand

“During a routine health check-up last May, I was diagnosed with a very serious disease which needed prompt and delicate treatment. I sought for advice and I contacted Dr. Gerard Lalande who directed me to a specialist of this disease at Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital. I met this doctor who after having carefully studied the various lab. Results has offered very detailed explanations about the various possible treatment currently available. The dialogue was clear direct giving a high level comfort so that eventually I could make a decision with confidence.”

us Mrs. Sophie Urbain | American Resident, Bangkok, Thailand

“Dr Gerard Lalande from CEO-HEALTH has always showed extreme knowledge and been diligent in referring my family and visiting friends to qualified specialists based on medical history and in view of our concerns. The referral service was not only efficient but it was also provided in an environment that cultivates high professionalism, trust and confidentiality. I would definitely recommend Dr Lalande and will not hesitate to call on him again for my family and friends if need be.”

fr Mr. Olivier Saulnier | General Manager, Yara Thailand Ltd. Bangkok, Thailand

“Why do I use CEO-HEALTH (Dr Lalande) even though I am not a CEO? Because I know that they will find the most capable specialist in the region to look after me. I used them about a month ago as I needed to be re-assured quickly and they find the right Doctor at the right place and got me an appointment in a very short notice. If you are new to a country and you have health issues, you need to know where to go and whom to see with confidence, CEO-HEALTH has the answer.”

be Mr. Paul Nombluez | Managing Partner, EuropeanAccountants, Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand

“Due to an orthopedic condition I decided to consult CEO-HEALTH under the executive leadership of Dr Gerard Lalande. Although the CEO-HEALTH programmes are of a prognostic nature, Dr Lalande and his team eased the way for me to consult one of Bangkok’s top orthopedist surgeons. With best regards.”

fr Mr. Robert Molinari | CEO Pansea, Bangkok, Thailand

“I had the opportunity to benefit from Dr Gerard Lalande’s advice, the CEO-HEALTH managing director. He knows lots of Thai doctors and more importantly lots of them know him very well. I must say that he was rapidly able to find the right specialist I needed in Bangkok. Interestingly, the doctor I was referred to, did follow up and closely keep Dr Lalande informed so that he was also able to provide me with very useful additional information (in French too) about my condition and my treatment. I would highly recommend CEO-HEALTH professional medical service to anyone looking for any recommendation or referral to a Thai physician for treatment or simply for a trustworthy second opinion.”

fr “J’ai eu l’occasion de bénéficier des services du Dr Gérard Lalande, directeur de CEO-HEALTH. Il connait de façon surprenante la profession médicale en Thaïlande et, fait encore plus remarquable, de très nombreux médecins que j’ai côtoyé le connaissent très bien. Il m’a rapidement orienté vers le médecin Thaïlandais dont j’avais besoin. La première consultation a été grandement facilitée car le médecin avait été préalablement informé par le Dr Lalande. De plus, restant en contact avec le médecin traitant, il a pu me procurer des informations complémentaires très utiles (en Français !) sur ma condition et mon traitement. C’est avec une très grande confiance que je recommande les services du Dr Lalande pour toutes personnes souhaitant avoir une opinion (ou une deuxième) sur une question de santé survenant en Thaïlande.”

fr Mr. Philippe Watine | French résident, Pattaya, Thailand

“Bonjour Docteur, J’ai bien reçu votre message et maintenant tout va bien, je ferai un contrôle pour la bonne règle dans une quinzaine de jours. Ma visite à l’hôpital à Bangkok fût très intéressante et j’ai été extrêmement bien reçu par le Docteur spécialiste des maladies infectieuses. Elle m’a rassuré sur mon état et s’est tenue à ma disposition pour tout autre demande médicale. Je me suis enregistré à cet hôpital afin de parfaire mon dossier chez eux. Encore merci pour m’avoir aiguillé sur cet établissement et surtout ce Docteur, Cordialement.”

fr Ms. Natasha Poliansky | Teacher, Phuket, Thailand

“Living in Thailand is beyond doubt a beautiful and intense experience. Though it can sometimes become a little delicate when it comes down to serious matters such as health. The different language, culture and mentality, the strong advertising and marketing in the medical environment, can suddenly make things very confusing when your health condition requires a more specific diagnosis. Of course, one always hopes to be taken care of by professionals with experience that could help them understand what is best for them. And it is not always easy to find such people. In my particular case, I was lucky enough to come across CEO-HEALTH’s Managing Director, Dr Gerard Lalande. Thanks to his medical experience and great knowledge of the Thai medical professional world, I managed getting the kind of guidance I was hoping for. He suggested I come to Bangkok and arranged two appointments with doctors specialized in the fields of endocrinology and dermatology. Apart from being rapid, his intervention was serious and efficient and his recommendations turned out to be most valuable. His ability to discern the matter and to determine my specific needs was a relief. The kind of moral support such good consultancy represents when facing health issues is priceless. And I felt I had to share my experience in that way. “

th Ms. Lin Saingam | Bangkok, Thailand

“Dr Gerard Lalande, CEO-HEALTH was referred to me by a friend of mine and his references has not let me down. He has been extremely helpful in referring me to qualified and responsive specialists who he has had the pleasure with working with in the past. The referral service was not only appreciated but very professional and I felt like I could trust the doctors. I would definitely recommend Dr. Gerard’s counsel and services and will not hesitate to use it again in the future.”

UK Mr. Brian Swatton | Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong-Kong

“Some four months ago I suffered a compound fracture of one of my vertebrae and having sought advice and received differing treatment from two Bangkok hospitals I was left feeling unsure and uncomfortable with the experience, my condition and my future recovery prospects. Through a mutual acquaintance I was then introduced to CEO-HEALTH, namely Dr Gerard Lalande, who listened to my concerns and immediately saw the need for me to seek specialist help. Gerard then recommended that I see a spine orthopedist at another hospital where he identified the specialist that I should see and also arranged an appointment for me. Although I did not engage CEO-HEALTH in this instance I still received excellent advice and support from Gerard, before and after the appointment, to the extent that I am now undergoing a course of treatment, which I believe will largely undo the damage to my spine.”

fr Dr François J. Picard | 37, avenue Jean Moulin, 75014 Paris, France

“Médecin français en vacances au Royaume du Bhoutan en octobre 2010, j’ai présenté une douleur thoracique qui est allée croissante au décours d’un trekking en haute montagne. Souhaitant réaliser un bilan cardio-vasculaire en urgence et ne pouvant le pratiquer au Bhoutan, je me suis adressé à l’ambassade de France à Bangkok en Thaïlande où je devais faire escale. Là, on m’a conseillé de demander avis auprès du Dr Gérard Lalande de CEO-HEALTH pour la prise en charge de ce bilan. Le Dr Lalande a très rapidement répondu à ma demande et mis tout en œuvre pour que dès mon arrivée à Bangkok un bilan cardio-vasculaire complet et exhaustif soit pratiqué. Ce bilan a été fait dans les meilleures conditions sous le contrôle attentif de CEO-HEALTH et du Dr Lalande. J’ai noté l’efficacité de l’intervention du Dr Lalande et la qualité du conseil apporté tant au niveau du cardiologue choisi que de celui des examens pratiqués dans un délai très rapide. Je remercie vivement le Dr Lalande et CEO-HEALTH de leur intervention et de leur aide dans ce moment médical délicat à gérer pour moi hors de France”

fr Mr. Serge Theunynck | Economist, World Bank consultant, Washington DC, USA

“Just retired from the World Bank at 63 years old, I already started up a passionate new freelance consultant life. At the sunrise of this second life, I decided to rejuvenate my facial appearance by getting rid of the sagging of my eyelids, cheeks and neck. The challenge was to perform the whole set in a tight schedule between two consultancies. Dr Gerard Lalande, from CEO-HEALTH (DGL is his acronym), who I contacted from Washington DC just 2 months ago ran all the stuff. A soon as I chose operation dates, he selected the most appropriate surgeon and hospital, managed information flow, organized the detailed schedule to be executed in a two-week period. My wife and I arrived in Bangkok on a Wednesday

We spent the following day as shopping tourists in Bangkok city. Day two, started with my first meeting with a top-level plastic surgeon, followed by the full set of back-to-back pre-operation medical exams, including an unexpected chest MRI scan which need was revealed in the course of the process (luckily nothing wrong was found). No waste of waiting-time in between exams. All moves were assisted by professionally competent and pleasant nurses in the soft atmosphere of the well-known hospital in Bangkok. DGL was closely monitoring all steps. I immediately felt fully comfortable: the surgeon inspired my full confidence, and everything was working as a Swiss clock.

The third day was spent in visits with my wife of many Buddha temples in the old city.

The five-hour operation took place on Saturday. I woke up in the middle of the day after with the head fully wrapped with bandages, looking like the “invisible man”. The mirror gave me a first surprise: I recognized my eyes! Although swelling, they were mine! This was so important for me! Second surprise, at the bottom of my balloon-like head, my neck and Adam apple were back! Third, admittedly the immense discomfort, I felt no real pain; one gram of Tylenol every four hours took full control of it. The subsequent morning, the surgeon changed the “invisible man” wrapping for a lighter bandage and I left the hospital room between my wife. It was a sunny Monday 5 days after landing in Bangkok.

I kept quiet in my bedroom for the next two days, enjoying videos, and physical inactivity, emailing good news to my daughters. Tylenol routine every four hours to keep discomfort at an acceptable level; wonderful Thai food between quiet naps; all-in-all, a quite appreciated break in my busy life. Wednesday was time to completely unwrap the head and remove the surgery threads around the eyes. We went to a nice Thai restaurant, and I was so happy to mix with the rest of the clientele without attracting any enquiring eye. Three more days of quiet resting were requested before going back to the hospital to remove the threads of the cheeks and neck liftings. I was so pleased to compliment to Thai surgeon regarding his artistic sculpturing performance on my face, in the presence of DGL.

The last two days were just devoted to resting and some more Thai food experiences, also combined with some shopping in antic dealer shops. The close up monitoring of DGL allowed us to get ensured that the recovery evolution was following the standards. On Tuesday, my wife and I left Bangkok with the same Air France flight that brought us in Thailand exactly two weeks before. This experience was beyond my expectations.

Needless to say, I confidently and warmly recommend Dr Gerard Lalande’s CEO-HEALTH services for anyone looking for a procedure in a Thai hospital.”

fr Mrs. Nadia Theunynck | Washington DC, USA

“While being on vacation in Bangkok last July, I wanted to try the Botox injection to lessen the wrinkles on the upper part of my face. I contacted Dr Gerard Lalande from CEO-HEALTH (who was taking care of my husband for a request for plastic surgery) and he provided me with valuable information about this method. Then I arrange an appointment with a dermatologist specialist of this technique in a hospital in Bangkok. The doctor carried out a thorough exam of my face and suggested me to get first a local anesthesia. The procedure was conducted in an extremely clean environment, which gave me total confidence. After 30 minutes lead time to let the anesthesia producing its effect, the dermatologist started to meticulously inject the botox – absolutely painless – for about 10 minutes. The results were above my expectations

Not only the wrinkles were no longer visible but also the doctor was able to remove most of the “expressive wrinkles” near my eyes. My children – who were not aware of this procedure – congratulated me for my good look apparently resulting at first from our vacations in Thailand. However, they later on noticed the obvious younger look due to my wrinkle free forehead. I sincerely thank Dr Lalande for having selected the right physician and arranging all consultations.”

fr “Durant mon séjour de vacances à Bangkok en juillet dernier, j’ai voulu expérimenter le Botox pour atténuer les rides du haut de mon visage. J’ai pris contact avec le docteur Gérard Lalande de CEO-HEALTH (qui s’occupait aussi de mon mari pour une demande de chirurgie plastique) qui m’a fourni toutes infos utiles concernant cette méthode. Puis il a immédiatement pris RDV avec un médecin dermatologue spécialiste du Botox d’un hôpital de Bangkok. Ce dernier, très consciencieux, a effectué un examen de mon visage et m’a conseillé une petite anesthésie préalable. Les conditions dans lesquelles sont pratiquées les soins sont d’une telle asepsie que je me suis sentie en parfaite confiance. Le médecin est intervenu une trentaine de minutes plus tard après avoir laisse agir la crème anesthésiante. Avec la plus grande douceur, il a procédé aux mini-injections de Botox – absolument indolores – durant une dizaine de minutes environ. Le résultat est à la hauteur de mes espérances,

Non seulement les rides du front ne sont plus du tout visible mais encore le médecin a résorbé la plupart des rides d’expression au niveau des yeux. Mes enfants – qui n’étaient pas au courant – m’ont félicité de ma très bonne mine qu’ils ont d’abord mise sur le compte des vacances avant de constater un rajeunissement visible dû à mon front redevenu lisse.

Je remercie le docteur Lalande d’avoir géré avec perfection tous les contacts ainsi que le choix du meilleur praticien.”

lb Mrs. Madonna Trad | Trad International Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon

“At the occasion of my stay in Bangkok, Dr Gerard Lalande of CEO-HEALTH has been extremely helpful in referring me to a qualified and responsive specialist based on previous medical history and a discussion outlining my concerns. The referral service had to be efficient and rapid. I was indeed able to quickly meet a qualified doctor who was already well aware of my condition as Dr Lalande informed her by phone prior to my visit. The doctor was very friendly, speaking excellent English and demonstrated a real caring attitude. I would certainly recommend this referral service to anyone having a medical concern in Bangkok and looking for the right choice of medical specialist within a short period of time.”

fr Mrs Kendra Fayard | Montreal, Ile des Soeurs, Canada

“On holidays in Thailand, I had the opportunity to use CEO-HEALTH service. I am extremely grateful to the referral obtained by Dr Lalande and nicely surprised how fast it was for him to organize with a very short notice all my appointments in Bangkok. The treatment was a total success and a real good deal on top of it, compared to what I should have paid in another country, such as Canada, the US or France, for the exact same procedure! I warmly recommend Dr Lalande excellent referral services to anyone looking for high-class medical procedures and want to thank him once again for his expertise, great professionalism and discretion.”

fr Mr Gerard Goullencourt | Servier Laboratories Regional Manager, Manila, Philippines

“While traveling in Southeast Asia, I had to undergo a scanner prescribed by my French treating physician. Then started the quest to find the best place to answer my need. I decided to contact CEO-HEALTH in Bangkok for the selection of the appropriate hospital and facilitating an appointment with the right specialist. I did not regret my choice, and many thanks to CEO-HEALTH for arranging promptly the examination. It is really premium services I experienced, the hospital was excellent, the staff friendly and truly professional. I shall recommend CEO-HEALTH to my friends.”