Medical Mask 2
Medical Mask 2
Medical Services Medical Tourism 3
Medical Services Medical Tourism 2
Medical Services Medical Tourism 1

European physicians at CEO-HEALTH provide a medical referral service (recommendation of Thai doctor or surgeon consultation), free of charge, to expatriates living/working in Thailand.

icon Medical tourism (overseas medical procedure): a serious decision

We at CEO-HEALTH believe that any medical procedure performed overseas is first and foremost a medical decision and requires, just as at home, the guidance of an experienced medical team well versed in local medical practices.

icon Medical tourists: three reasons for choosing CEO-HEALTH

1 – A company run by doctors
Because we are medical doctors, we can refer to and directly deal with physicians and surgeons from leading hospital groups in Bangkok. For the rare cases that cannot optimally be handled in these private hospitals, we may also refer our patients to Bangkok teaching hospitals or to some Singaporean hospitals (Parkway group). Dr Gerard Lalande, managing director of CEO-HEALTH, is a French physician with more than 20 years experience in the healthcare industry in Thailand and South East Asia.

2- A referral based on medical ethics
The CEO-HEALTH referral proposal is based on the doctor or surgeon who will personally take care of the referred patient. The choice of the hospital is secondary to the physician’s selection.

For any CEO-HEALTH referral, medical ethics are the core principle of our decision making process. Our main strength is a trusted relationship of 20 years duration with many leading physicians who know us as well as we know them.

3- Coordination with family physician
For serious surgical procedures, we would prefer, whenever feasible, to deal directly with the home country doctor to avoid miscommunication on the indications of the procedure and to allow for optimal follow up after return overseas.

icon Scope of expertise

CEO-HEALTH handles most of the medical and surgical procedures that are appropriate for overseas treatment in such disciplines as cardiology (heart surgery, angioplasties with or without stent placement), orthopaedic surgery, eye surgery, gastroenterology, urology, nephrology (renal transplantation), plastic surgery as well as infertility and dermatologic esthetical procedures.

icon Cost consideration

CEO-HEALTH receives remuneration from the hospitals as the specialized medical facilitator for health care projects. As such, CEO-HEALTH recommendations to a medical specialist are provided at no additional cost to the patient benefiting from the procedure.


CEO-HEALTH is a medical outsourcing and consulting company. It is not a travel agency. However, if needed, we can suggest a reliable local and/or international travel agent who can handle all logistical aspects during your stay in Thailand.

For any information, please contact us
